Community Feedback
Summary of Community Feedback
For the most part, all of our reviewers thought that the aesthetics and visual appeal of the website were impressive. However, they thought that there was some room for improvement in terms of functionality. Since we received the reviews, we also modified the page to accomodate for some of the changes asked for. They all approved of the organizational features and coding practices that we followed, but also thought that some features were unnecessary to an extent.
Wilson Tran
~The landing page has nice aesthetics to it. I think that the events and listing pages need a bit more work. Right now, they look very default-ish. Most of your styles look pretty nice though. The tests that you run are pretty cool.
Mairi Yoshioka
~Damnnnn that’s pretty cool. Is that the home page? Who made that? I’m actually kinda interested in taking ICS314 now. Do you get flexibility with the projects. Oh nice, your other pages work too.
Amanda Nitta
~OOOOh the landing page looks nice! I like the blue button. What blue button? The request help button at the bottom of the page. Overall, I like the website, I like the color scheme. But I’d like to see the working product.
Tanner Choudhry
~Dude, this is awesome! This looks like something I’d see on the myUH portal! I like the idea too! I would totally use it if it were an actual thing.
Noah Clay
~This site is the comp sci equivalent of “set dressing” in movies. You’re hiding the spotty functionality of your project behind a cool logo and homepage with moving pictures. I respect it, but y’alls got a long way to go. There, Prayag. Can I go back to sleep now?